Finding your tribe

It is Reading Festival this week and, as a Reading resident, this mainly means lots of traffic. But, it also brings back very happy memories and I can’t help but smile as I sit stationary on the ring road! The Festival always coincides with the BSPS Summer Championships and I remember seeing the festival goers […]

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Alien gym adventure

The gym is a weird place. I have had patches of time during my life when I have gone to the gym but it still feels like an alien world to me. At University, I had a sports scholarship which meant I was given a personal trainer once a week…. that sounds wrong, I was […]

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Quick catchup

On promising myself I would blog more regularly, life then threw a few obstacles in the way and 40 days have passed. Sorry. And so much has happened and there is so much I want to share…but for now, a quick catch up. Badminton was yet again spectacular – see my previous posts on the […]

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Not a quitter

It really has come close but it is a sticking point for me and I have realised that I am just not a quitter. I have eluded in recent blogs that things have been tough for me over the last few (or sadly, not so few) months, and they really have been rock bottom but […]

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Woman of Achievement

“Surprised” is how I described myself when the Henley Herald emailed me to ask how I felt about my nomination for Woman of Achievement. Mainly because I never received the letter telling me about my nomination and their email was the first I had heard of it! But also because it is something so surreal […]

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