We took Jack to Wellington on Saturday to do some show jumping. I made an error at fence 8 and had it down. I was annoyed with myself but took the lesson and moved forward. Then my mother said 5 magic word “Look how far you’ve come.” A few months ago, if Jack had so […]
Personal realisations and fan girl moments
It’s been a busy few weeks in regards to personal realisations. A week and a half ago I decided to go big and ride Jack at the Royal Three Counties Show. I had been taking lots of baby steps to get there and thought I was ready. I say thought as I realise now that […]
Making a song and dance of it – lessons from the theatre
No blog post or YouTube video last week because I was treading the boards. I got rather sidelined with a week performing in “Showtime” at the Corn Exchange in Wallingford. I had a fantastic week but as always came away with lessons to apply to my horsey life. You can take the girl away from […]
The Dress
Three years ago, I saw the dress. The shape, the colours, the style, all so perfect. I turned to the Mother and said “That’s it. That’s the dress.” Mother looked at me confused so I had to explain further. “That is the dress I shall wear to my book launch event.” Mother looked equally confused […]
No advice, no lessons – just honesty
Most of my blogs are designed to be informative or to teach something or are just hoping to make people smile or think. This one however, is just from the heart and honest. I have gone through a pretty tough time of late, as my first ever blog explained but even since then things haven’t […]
Not good enough
A few years ago, I had someone call about a pony I had for sale. We chatted for a while and then she said “He sounds amazing but he is too good for me.” I was confused by this. Was he too much money? Was he unsafe? No, she just didn’t think she could do […]