Yesterday, I had a bit of meltdown. I’ll admit, there were tears. Once I had calmed, had some chocolate (fixes all things!) and regrouped, I had to say to myself – you are doing the best you can. Anyone else have to give themselves little pep talks? A week ago, we moved Jack to a […]
A bad workman always blames his tools
Any regular readers will know I love a quote. I love it when you come across a quote for exactly what you are trying to say in such a perfect little bite sized snippet. Well, today the quote that feels right is “A bad workman always blames his tools.” Yesterday was a good day in […]
I hate bullies.
There is an anti- bullying campaign at the moment and bullying is sadly a very relevant topic in the horse world. I have been to various yards over the years and am amazed by the differences when it comes to atmosphere. I am an expert on bullies! Being vertically challenged was like catnip to bullies […]